Cuba, Canada, Cuban Culture, sports, arts, history, school, education, music

Feb 02

Learn Why We Love Introducing Canadians to Cuba!

Welcome to our little corner of the internet! Here, we will be sharing with you the exciting things that are taking place in Cuba, how Canadians are getting to know the Cuban culture and helpful information for parents and teachers who are looking to send their children and students to Cuba for a once in a lifetime experience.

Cuba is a destination for many Canadians during the winter months, but their experience of this incredible country is generally limited to the resort in which they are staying. Cuba, although the perfect vacation spot, has so much to offer individuals that can feed their passions in the arts, sports and interest in the complex culture of this country. 

President of Canada Cuba, Jonathan Watts, recognized this over 25 years ago after organizing standard tourism packages to Cuba for clients, but that overlooked unique aspects of what Cuba has to offer. Jonathan knew that this needed to change, which is why he and his incredible team have been working to help Canadians truly explore and learn more about Cuba.


Over the years, Canada Cuba has helped more than 21,682 Canadian students visit Cuba, has coordinated sporting events for 160 schools, universities and national teams, has facilitated the connection of 90 choirs from Europe, and South and North America, and has planned 223 visits by Canadian music educators.  These are just a few ways that we have brought Canada and Cuba together, and are looking forward to working with our connections in both countries to create a meaningful and memorable experience every time.

To share all of the exciting work that we are doing, and provide you with even more helpful information, check into our blog on a monthly basis or sign up for our email newsletter! We will be sharing student testimonies, recent programs that we have coordinated, new offerings, and helpful information for students who are already planning to travel to Cuba.

Welcome to Canada Cuba Sports and Cultural Festivals! We are excited to share Cuba with you.