The students of Maskwacis high school are just one of many groups of young people who have traveled to Cuba to gain all that it can offer! Through partnering with our Cuban ambassadors, these students were able to showcase their volleyball skills, while learning from some of the best college-level athletes in Cuba.
Cuba was the perfect destination for the students of Maskwacis high school, not only because of the incredible talent that can be found but because of the culture and lessons that can be learned. Samson Cree elder, John Crier, explains, “we wanted to have some incentive for our youth, motivate them, so that if they are studying well they are rewarded at the end of their school year…it’s a way to demonstrate that responsibility, discipline and initiative pay off.”
Not only were students from Maskwacis high school able to improve their volleyball game, but they were able to learn about the Cuban culture and the impact that sports can have on one’s life. Through developing relationships with the Cuban people, it has also inspired the students to better themselves as well. John Crier shares that, “The people here are very determined to be who they are, which is something very similar that we really value in our community also.”
To hear all about their trip, and to see how the team at Canada Cuba was able to create a once in a lifetime adventure for the students of Maskwacis high school, watch the YouTube video below!